Terrific Tampa
Went to Tampa for a day at the weekend (well, technically 2 or 3, depending on point of view) but only one real day for play, and it was great. Tatiana turned 8, so we showed up to surprise her at her bowling alley party, and it was a great success. (Hi Tati if you're reading this!!!). Tampa seemed like a nice place, although I did get attacked by mosquitos during my one and only attempt at exercise for the year (lame English attempt at baseball getting thoroughly beaten by young kids), and all the roads have 6 names.
The wedding album arrived today, so looking forward to seeing that. Unfortunately won't get home until Wednesday, so the wait is killing me. Given all the photos we've got so far, I'm not worried, especially given how great the photographer was. If you ever get married in England, I'd definitely recommend them (link here).
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