Gas (petrol) goes ballistic

I sort of promised myself that I would never ever complain about the gas(petrol) prices over here. Ever since I got off the plane all those years ago and realized I could fill a car up for the same price as a pint of stella and a packet of crisps, I've even smiled when I went back home and it cost me 50 quid to fill up the rental car.
However, things might be changing (if only I could remember the conversion from litres to gallons). Gas prices are allegedly heading for 4 bucks a gallon, and at an extremely quick rate. I managed to go to work yesterday, and by the time I drove home, the price of gas at the local (new and supposedly cheaper supermarket) gas station had increased by 15 cents a gallon. During the day! while everyone was at work!! Was it so urgent that they couldn't wait until midnight, so people might not notice?
Anyway, putting my foot down in the Scoobymobile is still way too tempting to be put off by the price of a gallon, so nothings changing for now. Some of the guys in the office with the big American manly trucks have however filled every available container for future use. I still think they should buy a normal car ;-)
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