Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another Win for The Toon

Newcastle are finally getting some of their players back and fit, and we're starting to play like it. Third win in a row, and hopefully it will continue. The likely lads continued to score - Owen got two and Shearer got one, although the team as a whole played well (especially in the second half) and they all deserve credit. Sounness in his post match interview pointed out correctly that we went to pieces for 5 minutes after the first goal, and Given once again was the saviour.

Fox Soccer Channel seems to be having a glut of Necastle games these days, and I'm definitely not complaining. I think I've found my lucky shirt for watching them on tv now, and I've definitely broken the losing streak they had when I watched them live on tv over here again. If only I can get them on a lucky streak like they had when I had my 'lucky jacket' back when Keegan was boss - we went the whole season unbeaten at home when I wore it (I forgot it for one game and we lost - can you believe it....)