Flickr for Everyone
OK, so I made a bad assumption that everyone I knew already knew about Flickr, and how cool it was, and what you could do with it (especially the for free bit). Given Neils enthusiastic response last week when I uploaded some of his photos onto my Flickr account and pointed it out to him, it turns out that some people are still in the dark.
There are a couple of things I really really like about Flickr
- It's free (up to a limit). You get 20 Meg in bandwidth every month (which translates into a lot of photos if you don't need to upload photos you can print out as posters), and just need to create an ID (or link in your Yahoo ID if you have one of those already).
- If this isn't enough for you photo phreaks out there, a pro account can be yours for only 25 bucks (and thats a year, not a month). Loads more upload bandwidth (100 X more I think), and unlimited sets (photo albumy type things).
- You can make pix public for everyone, limit them only to friends, or only to family, all with a click of a button.
- There's loads of add-ons so you can easily upload photos from your computer (PC or Mac versions work great)
- Hours and hours can be lost randomly searching through other peoples photos (it's like working at Boots without the dodgy uniform or looming takeovers)
- You can create and (search on) tags for photos with the ease of typing.
- You can get feeds of photos using RSS into your newsreader from your favo(u)rite photographers (or friends if you need to check out your latest collision with the ground after a couple of beers too many didn't make it into the public section)
- You can email photos directly into your account - means easy uploading of camera phone pix (if you don't have my crappy Sprint service), to share even when you're never at your computer (going to see how this works when I'm back home at Christmas with Heidi's phone if I remember).
- And I'm always a sucker when the owner/founder (I think anyway) has a blog. So thanks Caterina.
Go forth and Flickrize.
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