Monday, October 10, 2005

Sony Ericsson P990 - Gizmodo

So I'm more interested than most in the new phone from Sony Ericsson for two reasons - 1) I used to own (actually still do, it's just in a drawer somewhere) the predecessor of this, the P800, and 2) we're in the process of possibly getting a new phone service with work, which means I'll not be stuck on the crappy Sprint line of phones after the New Year.

I loved my P800 - it was great - played MP3's (so no idea what the big deal is with the recent spate of ROKR or Walkman phones), video, you could browse the web in a browser, had bluetooth (which _still_ isn't available on my Sprint phone), and loads of other cool stuff that made it the main event at any geek party. There were a couple of problems in the end though, the first being that it pretty much stopped working. Pretty serious, I know, but you can obviously tell how much I liked the phone overall by how small an issue I think this is ;-) I also had the Treo problem of closing a call with my cheek a couple of times, and the software to synch up with Outlook sort of screwed up my contacts a couple of times. It was still pretty though ;-)

Anyway, this is gorgeous, looks like it has everything you could ever want in a phone (including WiFi access!!!), and I might even splash out and buy one when the time comes.....

Sony Ericsson P990 - Hermione Unbound - Gizmodo
Engadget link