Thursday, November 17, 2005

Laguna Beach News

Confessions of a married man - I'm addicted, the wife is addicted, and I even watched a couple of episodes when she wasn't around to switch it on. It's even on the TiVo schedule preventing us from watching Prison Break on Fox.

This season is coming to an end (actually, think it finished on Monday, so back on the Prison Break trip from next week on - well, week after as we're hitting Vegas at the weekend for a few days of much needed rest and relaxation), but the good news is it's coming back next year, and the first spin-off has been announced starting in the New Year. Luckily, it was LC who got the sweet deal - the most normal (although judging from the house her parents has, probably the richest) and likeable girl on the show moves to LA to get into "fashion" and realize how many fake people actually exist in the real world.

Anyway, I digress - the point of this post is that somehow Talen (another one who seemed pretty cool and normal on the show) came up trumps by hooking up with Rod Stewarts daughter, and is now apparently engaged to her. Bit of a young boy, older girl thing going on (19 and 26) which I'm sure he's pleased about. Now if he can only stay our of trouble (and the back of Paris Hilton' car), and play footie well enough to please her Dad, he'll be onto a winner. - Stewart's child to marry 'Laguna' star - Nov 17, 2005