Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Random Update

It's tough finding decent photos or articles to post about when you're pulling 16 hour days, so you'll have to make do with the ramble all on it's lonesome.

Looking forward to heading home for Christmas - fly next week, so lots of shopping to do before I get out there. Also owe (big) Neil an email (apologies mate, it's shocking - I know) and hopefully will be able to meet up with Nev and some of the other gang when I'm in town. It's a brief in and out due to some work commitments of my wife (nice change there - it's normally me who we have to work around), but will be around for the traditional Armstrong Boxing Day party. It's the only time/place I ever do charades (and pretty badly at that), but we've been going there almost every year since I was about 17 I think. There's a few classic stories associated with the party (car crashes of the Mercedes variety, injured hips, blood spurting up the kitchen walls - you know, the usual stuff), which is made even more remarkable by the fact that it's always attended by Rach's parents (and Aunty and Uncle). This fact isn't as remarkable these days, since we're getting older - but when you're 17 or 18.... Anyway, Pete and Val are superstars, the perfect hosts, and we always have a blast.

Have to somehow work out how to get all the shopping in before I jump on the plane. I managed to sort out the brothers this weekend, so we're good on one front. Only another 20 or so to go I guess. This will probably mean the weekend will be a little crazy, but getting back from Atlanta on Friday night, so still looking forward to it. One thing I won't have to buy is my new phone, as it's already here - sitting in the desk of the new office which I haven't seen yet. Apparently the view from the office is amazing - straight out to the mountains (which was our old office's view as well until some medical center got built in front of it a couple of months after we moved in). 5 stories up this time though, so we should be good for the foreseeable future in this one.

Anyway, better get back to the grindstone - break over and all that. It's been a busy few weeks, but another week and I'll be able to take a lie in.