Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Apple Computers Announced!

Despite being way to busy to write this, you can't let Mr Jobs deliver a speach with new computers announced and then not write about it here.

Despite there being no new HDTV (yet hopefully), there was a new iMac, and a MacBook Pro laptop, both sporting the new Intel dual core processor (twice the power, same size etc etc). The iMac is pretty much identical, except for the new processor (estimated to be twice as fast), but the laptop has a few new features. Built in iSight, magnetic powercord to stop your computer being dragged across the floor when someone gets their foot tangled in it, and of course, screaming performance in comparison to the old ones (which were still G4 processor based due to overheating and power consumption issues with the G5).

There was also a bunch of software updates for iLife and .Mac, mainly around web publishing and the like (but now that we've got Flickr and this site set up, and Aaron and Heidi went "re-live" again at the weekend, I'm not sure we'll be using it much). Still, it always gives you options. I might even try a video podcast or something - how scary would that be....

Anyway, details, videos, pretty pictures all available here (when it's not to busy to dish out pages - Apple is a somewhat popular site today...)