Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Can I have a P please Bob?

Nope, not a story about my impending sample giving escapades (tonight, for life insurance purposes, now that I'm getting old and sensible in case you were wondering), but a story of the mighty BMW suing Nissan for use of the letter M in an ad campaign.

Given how closely M is associated with BMW, you'd think if Nissan wanted to start advertising using the letter, BMW would be thankful - all that free publicity for no outlay. Unless you were stupid enough to think that Nissan had bought the Motorsport division, but if that was the case, you don't deserve one of their cars anyway.

Now the other point of view is obviously whether or not you can sue another company for using a letter of the alphabet. What happens if Google decides it owns the letter G for example, and guys up the rights (rihts)? Millions of sentences would be invalid, at least without a licensing payment. I personally would go for S - not coz it's the most used, which it obviously isn't, but more because of the car association - just think if I could get a deal with Ferrari or Porsche, that in lieu of payment, they just provided me with the car that uses the letter. All the S, RS, GTS etc etc cars - now that would make for a nice garage (or is that arae?)

BMW suing Nissan over the use of "M" - Autoblog