Bush lied, White House lies to cover Bush lies
Not sure why everyone is acting all surprised about this (unless they actually believe politicians are incredibly honest and have the good of the nation at the forefront of their minds at all times, and not their own careers).
Anyway, Bush authorized the leak/release of classified information to help him start a war that wasn't really justified, got into a bit of hot water, and so de-classified the information a week or two later to make it "legal". This is how I am reading it anyway, but the White House Press Guy needs to go back and check on his timeline.
What makes this a little more intriguing is Bush's commitment to prosecuting to the full extent of the law anyone who releases classified information when this whole Scooter Libby investigation/CIA name dropping thing happened. Does that mean he'll impeach himself soon?
It's all getting a bit too complicated for me to keep up with, but you know with all the manouvering around Bush and Cheney are guilty. However, given the different political landscape over here (compared to back home where Blair has to face quesitons every Tuesday from the other politicians, and has nearly been forced out twice in recent times), it's not like anything is really going to happen. The only entertainment we can have from this will be the commentary from Jon Stewart, and the continuing nose dive of Bush's ratings to historic lows. Worst case scenario of course is if Bush decides he needs another war to deflect attention from his presidency problems - Iran, I would keep quiet for the next week or two....
CNN.com - White House: Bush did not flip-flop on leaks - Apr 7, 2006
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