Monday, May 15, 2006

Full Miami Vice Trailer!

One of my favourite shows of the past is being reborn into a film. Miami Vice was actually so good that I used to leave the pub early on Monday nights so I could get back in time to see it (that and the fact that I used to run out of money after my second pint). I think alot of it was to do with the cool cars, all the pastel shades, and the funcky music that used to accompany every episode.

Anyway, I'll no doubt be severely disappointed in the new version, having loved the old one so much (I still have VHS tapes back in England of all the shows that aired after we got our first video recorder), but I'm still sort of looking forward to it a little bit. I wonder what car Sonny will be driving this time...

Full Miami Vice Trailer! Woo Hoo! - Cinematical