Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nerdy Stuff

A couple of nerdy products to make up for my shambolic recent posting history (it could get a lot worse while I'm trying to fit in the time to watch 3 footie games a day for the next few weeks as well!).

First up is the Yoda backpack - not sure if you can actually get much in there, but at least you can look a little like Luke when you're doing it.

Next is the farm animal shaped BBQ - particularly relevant given the heat wave we're having here in Denver at the minute. I'm not sure how I'd feel grilling part of a cow inside a cow though, but hey, it's not real, right?

And finally, my personal favourite, that Apple Air shoes - apparently employees in the 90's got these, so a pretty limited supply. Maybe I need to check on eBay to see if there's any kicking about to buy...