Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hyundai Sonata Hits 147!?

According to the radar detector in Scottsdale it can. They claim a guy in an unmodified (and rented from Avis for that matter) Hyundai was clocked doing speeds up to 147 mph - pretty interesting considering it has a factory fitted limiter on it to keep it below 137 mph. They're still going ahead with the prosecution, but I'm hoping this guy manages to get off- if it registered speeds that high, it was obviously broke, so who is to say that it was just broke a little? He said he was late for work, but there's late for work, and doing nearly 150 to get there in time. No-one this side of a sports star has a job that good, do they?

Accused 147 mph speeder gets day in court | EastValleyTribune.com