Turret Gun System? Isn't America Scary Enough?
This one is probably in Mr Ketchledge's favo(u)rites list, but shown here to give everyone the chance to witness the latest and greatest being bandied about in Defense Review (which as a matter of course I just looked up to make sure the web link worked, and their first title today is "Tactical Edged Weapons (read knife to the normal person on the street) for Serious Social Purposes" - err, does that really mean a good knife to kill people with or something? - serious social purposes to me is a little more along the lines of a weekend bender with friends to Vegas or something, but I've never needed a knife. I did go camping a couple of times, and a sharp knife with aggressive profile would have probably come in handy, but I wouldn't call sitting round a campfire watching Neil drink a bottle of Port, or Graham attempt to remove most of his fingers and legs in a vain attempt at chopping down trees a serious social purpose. Now Percy taking 3/4 of an hour to get a Jack Daniels infused Jenn back to the tent is another matter, but then again, still no knife needed).
Anyway, I digress completely. Sorry. Sort of. Just even more disturbed than I was when I saw the video. Guns on top of an SUV, or car, or mini-van for that matter. It's remote control, and is very likely to make you win any road rage incident you care to partake in, or somehow transport you forward in time to when Mel Gibson was ruling the roads in his car, rather than drinking in his car and slagging off the Jews. Just press play - I've typed too much already...
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