Thursday, September 07, 2006

Amazon Unbox Now Live!!!! Download Movies and TV Shows Today

Amazon's UnBox Site is now up and running. If you haven't heard, this is the bit of Amazon that lets you download Full Length Movies and TV Shows, and watch them on your computer. Key differences with the current implementation of iTunes is obviously the movies (for now anyway, stay tuned for Apple's September 12th Showtime press event), Star Trek making an appearance for download (the original one!!). Instructions are here, and I'm still trying to work out which portable devices are supported by this.

OK - FAQ is here - big news - no support for native OS X (but you probably could run it through Parallels or BootCamp if you're on an Intel Mac), it looks like you have to download to a named box to view it (so no copying, obviously), file sizes are about 1GB for an hour, and you have to use their own app to run the files (and they're .wmv files).

Supported mobile devices are
  • Creative Zen Vision: M
  • Creative Zen Vision
  • Toshiba Gigabeat S
  • Archos AV 500
  • Archos AV 700
  • iRiver PMC (Portable Media Center)
Think this covers most of the information you need, and if it doesn't, you can just read up on it yourself!!!

Have fun, but given no Mac, iPod or PSP support, I think I'm holding off for the time being to see what happens next week. Let the movie downloading wars begin - the consumer will benefit, trust me!!!

Update!! - OK, it looks like they have their own BBC section, so I've come around a little - I can see Coupling, Dr WHo, House of Cards, Keeping Up Appearances, Little Britaon, Mansfield Park and To Play The King so far....