More Snow on it's way
You've got to love Denver weather - it's only a week since the last big storm hit, and already it looks like we're in for another big one. I don't think there's been consecutive storms like this for a good few years, and with the colder temperatures, we've still got plenty snow piled up from the last one. At least the plows have been around our house in the last couple of days, breaking up the ice on the roads, and I'm sure given all the publicity the COlorado Dept of Transport got about not clearing everything quick enough, everyone will be working double shifts to keep things moving.
One side affect (I think anyway, unless it's purely Christmas related) is that the shops seem to be still pretty low on food. We had trouble getting a loaf of bread earlier in the week, and a few gas (petrol) stations were closed coz they had ran out.
Still, another few days in the house will hopefully not drive us stir crazy - and fingers crossed that it's not so bad that we can still get up to the mountains for what has now become our traditional New Years Eve in Frisco event.
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