Friday, January 05, 2007

New Years Eve Party


We went for the usual blast up to Frisco (in Colorado, not San Fransisco in California, in case you were wondering). Lots of people made it up this year, and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun. Too much Red Bull rendered sleep a little hard to come by once the celebrations were over, compounded by a 10am kick out time from the hotel, but we all survived to tell the tale.

All of the New Years Party photos are here.

And apologies for the lack of posts this week - I've entered into a new phase of my life which doesn't involve booting up the computer when I walk through the door every evening. Before you know it, I might even read a book! OK, maybe not, but I'll try and catch up over the weekend with plenty of random stuff (especially as it looks at the minute like it might be round 3 of being snowed in - what is going on in Denver this year....)

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