Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Flickr Does a Billion Photos a Day!

So Flickr had a bit of an error yesterday, serving up the wrong photos some of the time. The guys over at Flickr were pretty honest about the issue, and what they were doing to fix it, and posted it all on their blog (link is below if you care to take a look). What was probably more interesting was the fact that they mentioned that on heavy traffic days, they serve up over 1 billion photos a day. That works out to over 11,500 photos a second - how cool is that.

While we're on the Flickr subject (can you tell I think this site is great, even if I did have to migrate to using my Yahoo ID...) they also allow you to search for photos based on the type of camera that took them. This is great if you're looking at a couple of different cameras you're interested in buying, to at least see if there's a big difference in the quality they produce. The other thing you can use it for is to tell how popular certain brands are over time (nothing detailed, just graphs over a year giving you a rough idea). I wonder if Yahoo is selling this info to the manufacturers in a more detailed format? Maybe this is why the price is still pretty reasonable for the service, especially as we don't get served up with loads of ads.
