Yahoo Pipes
I cna never quite decide whether I like Google stuff or Yahoo stuff better - Google for search, yes, but then Yahoo has Flickr (which I love), and they let me create my own homepage with random bits and pieces on it (and the add to Yahoo buttons that spring up on various different sites).
Anyway, Yahoo have released something new - Pipes (not Popes - that would be a little controversial) - the official explanation of what it is is:
Pipes is an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. Using Pipes, you can create feeds that are more powerful, useful and relevant.So basically a news reader with bells and whistles to merge and filter and only ever see the things you're really interested in. I haven't tried it, but the early reports are that it's pretty cool - you can also see some examples of what people have used it for, so check it out when you get a chance.
Labels: internet, technology
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