Weather Forecasters Suck - Panic Over
So the supposed 12 to 18 inches of snow that was still predicted on the 10pm news last night managed to turn into absolutely zero snow (and the sun is now coming out, so it's not like it's just late). The news sites even have their excuses posted, just so people don't get too upset.
Some people say "It's just Colorado - the weather forecast is just too difficult to get right". Personally, I think it's bollox. As I've mentioned to anyone who would listen to me today, it's the only job where you can get something 100% wrong and you don't even get a written warning, never mind escorted off the premises. Do you think these guys have their pay rated against their success in predicting the weather? Of course not - that would imply that they actually did something, as opposed to just have a random guess based on some pretty pictures coming out of the national weather service. I even read one site (can't remember if it's the one that I linked above) who blamed it on the fact that they only sent balloons up to measure the Jet Stream twice a day (even though by my reckoning, 6pm is still plenty of time to adjust your 10pm weather forecast). Shit, why can't they send up their own balloons - they're always presenting their little slot from the "roof" of the studio.
So, rant over - I guess I should be happy I didn't have to dig the car out this morning. I think my next mission in life might be to try and get one of these jobs - if no-one cares whether I'm right or wrong (and when I'm wrong I can blame something or one else), isn't that the perfect job for slacking off?
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