Friday, June 08, 2007

I'm always wrong

Well, not always, but if you look a little further down the page, I boldly predicted everyone was coming back to Greys for next season. Of course, no sooner than I did that, but ABC released official confirmation that they weren't brining back Dr Burke.....

Maybe I need a new approach to this blogging thing - just hold off on all posts until the final days of my life, just to make sure I'm right (at least while I'm alive). There are a few technical challenges to this, and I'm hoping that I've got a few years left in me (at least), so blogging as it is today will no longer exist. By that time, we're probably all living inside a computerized world, wired up to lots of sensors, and physically just in the house (or data center). Anyway, complete sidetrack over. Back to trying to just get things right first time I guess....

'Grey's' boots Isaiah Washington -