Sunday, June 03, 2007

Weekly Round Up

Well, six million things going on this week, which meant only a few posts of variable quality all week (although who can really complain about the car videos - they were great ;-)

Anyway, some of the things going on which made posting tough
  • We have another family member - Jack Ryan Woodson entered the world on Wednesday evening (8lb 10oz). We got to see him on Saturday, but I somehow managed to forget the camera, so you're going to have to wait for pics.
  • Fynn has decided her morning routine involves getting up every morning between 5 and 5.30 am, and I volunteered for morning duty (unfortunately, she hasn't recognized that weekends are for lie-in's either, but at least I can take turns with the wife for snoozes during the day to try to keep sane)
  • Work (of course) - suddenly got back to start up levels of busyness by taking over another project with a real client, and also all the R&D stuff we're doing, while my original project hasn't finished yet. But, despite the blind panic and realization of all the work that needs to get done in the next few months, I was back to smiling every day. All good.
  • Back - still doing the scary physical torture stuff twice a week to get over the bath carrying incident (or stupidity as my physical therapist calls it). She decided I'd had the nice gentle warm up appointments, and got to the real work this week. No tears, but there were a few choice words as she tried to stretch me out in directions I hadn't been stretched for a few years. Next week is when the real scary stuff starts though - trigger point deep needle therapy (I did make a realization that anytime anyone in the health industry uses the word therapy, it's their nice way of saying it's going to hurt). So, never had it before, but I did do a little reading to make sure the people suggesting it weren't just trying to cause me undue pain and duress - I'm obviously hoping for miracle like results, as needles have never been my favorite pasttime.
OK - excuses over, althought I'm not sure it'll be any different for the next few weeks. I will try and make sure I check off at least a few things from the list though, so stay tuned....
