Monday, July 30, 2007

Bachelor Party Survived

Originally uploaded by Tonks'.
Just - it was touch and go for a while.

Superman made an appearance, and obviously left a few children a little traumatized, either by the tightness in the crotch area, or the jack and cokes he seemed to be drinking all night. A good weekend (massive understatement) was had by all, although I'm glad we're getting towards the end of the people I know who still have marriage in their future - I'm getting too old for the all weekend drinking sessions.

Phil was the only one who broke the "no camera on bachelor/stag/bucks party" rule, so there may be some pics to emerge from the haze. It might help me piece together where I actually was all weekend, although I do remember Tangerine and Ghost Bar providing a large number of drinks for our enjoyment.

And cheers to Ash for sorting the whole thing out - great job mate!

PS - Sime, if you're reading this, book your bloody ticket for the wedding.......