Lijit Do Maps
I read somewhere over the weekend that some of the best companies kind of take on a personality of their own - they don't hide behind some corporate veil of secrecy and talk in official only language in case of upsetting someone. Chipolte (and a few others) make little jokes instead of the usual "don't throw this bag in the street" declarations (something about not using it for a parachute if my memory serves me correctly).
Anyway, Lijit is the kind of company that just gives you really useful stuff and lots of nice surprises - wouldn't everyone like a friend like that. Apart from all the info they dish out on who has been searching your blog, this weekend (or maybe before and I'm just too slow to realize), they added in some mapping functionality to their search, so now you can see where people were searching from. The map is even nice and pretty, and given a large part of my working life has been spent working with maps in one shape or another, I'm obviously happy. So, my stats page is open, so you too can see the extra info if you care too.
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