Saturday, November 10, 2007

Watch Out

Back when I was a kid, my Grandad used to bring home some random stuff when he came in from work (a one armed bandit, an accordian, crabs which happened to be still alive and screamed like a banshee when we cooked them etc). I always thought it was coz he had the coolest job, but later realized when I got to college that we were technically part of some underclass where no-one really had that much money, so people bartered "stuff" in exchange for services or other "stuff" - kinda like a more serious version of a kids playground. Anyway, my Grandads job was still cool (wrecking yard, breaking cars up for parts, and very occasionally having a 5 year old at the wheel of the huge grabber thing with a grin as wide as the mouth of the Tyne), but the point of me rambling on for 5 minutes is that his was how I got addicted to watches. I've never really gone a day without wearing one since I was 3 or 4, and I got a little black Timex to tell the time - it's kinda at the point where it's similar to leaving the house without any trousers on - you just don't do it (or at least I don't). I still remember the big chunky metal digital one with red lights he brought home, which weirdly seem like they're back in fashion again these days.

Anyway, sorry - this whole buildup was coz I like this watch, but it's $59k and I'm never going to buy it - that money could get you a loaded S4, or almost a new Exige S, and they both have clocks inside them.

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