Monday, November 12, 2007

Writes Strike Takes Hold

So if you live outside the US, you can stop reading now. If you're in the US and you never watch TV, you can stop as well 8-)

So, the writers are on strike, but the only thing that's really changed so far has been re-runs of Letterman (aren't they all anyway) and Leno, and no new Daily Shows either. Survivable I think, but now that it's lasting longer, we're getting close to when the regular shows are going to start hitting the re-runs.

The kind folks at TV Guide have compiled a list of how many shows are left before they run out of new material. Apparently, there is only one Office episode left - luckily, although I always laugh out loud at this show, it conflicts with both CSI and Grey's, so I never see any of the originals anyway. I just hope they show the re-runs in order.
