Waggin' It
Or playing hookie, or truant, or whatever it's called these days, but I took a day off work for purely selfish reasons, to take advantage of the pounding that the mountains have had, and try out the new board.
It coincided with Heidi having a work thing up in Copper, so free lodging was provided, but it did mean driving up through a storm last night, which had me a little wired by the time I got here (and it definitely wasn't the large red bull I had on the way). For a change, the bit of I70 before the tunnel was actually worse than the backside (although that was bad as well). You know you're in a bit of difficulty when it's almost a whiteout, and your traction control light starts flashing away as you speed slowly decreases from 40 to 35, to 30..... Luckily I was close enough to the tunnel not to come to a complete stop, and the fishtailing was pretty easy to keep in check.
But, it was all worth it, as today the powder was fresh, the lines were non-existent, and the new board worked a charm. Of course, because this was my first day of the year (I did a couple of easy days before the holidays), the body wore out long before the snow did, although the wind did make for a couple of icy spots. So, after a couple of pretty impressive falls after lunch, I called it a day and hit the bar.
Back to work tomorrow afternoon, but I'll be smiling.
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