Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What? No Posts?

I could list the usual excuses, but I'll leave that for another time. At least it's not me on the road this week(unless you call a day trip up to Fort Collins to grill some Uni students as to why they want a real job as being on the road), so I'm thankful for some things.

I think the most notable thing this week has to be the resurgence of Nixta - it appears the ease of use of Tumblr has sent him into a posting frenzy, which more than makes up for my lack of posts, so check it out. He's bound to slow down, get pissed off or lazy soon, so you better be quick ;-)

Also in the news this week was the emergence from "stealth mode" of Mr Batty's latest creation - initial demos got very positive reviews, so I'm waiting for my Alpha or Beta testing status to be confirmed (I begged, but wasn't promised a thing). Unfortunately, being on my own this week meant I had to stay home Tuesday night, so I missed the whole thing, so sorry Pete. It even won the exit poll (see, you just can't get away from election fever over here).

And Happy Birthday Ella (although technically it's tomorrow, the 7 hours difference make this perfectly on time). I'll give you a call later on! 8-)

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