Wednesday, March 26, 2008

100 best places to live and launch

Denver is number 7 in the list of 100 places to live and launch a new company. Guess I lucked out when I landed here all those years ago. The one con is allegedly the traffic, but to be honest (and before I get complaints, I know I got a house close to the office to limit my commute time to under 10 minutes), Denver's traffic situation these days isn't too bad. I25 kinda sucks most days, but after sitting on the connector in Atlanta for half an hour, going a mile an hour, Denver is so much better than that place. I guess it's all relative (says the guy who in his first 3 months here ended up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and made the mistake of asking his client when rush hour was, only to be told "right about now" while 3 cars sat at the main traffic light in town).

100 best places to live and launch - 7. Denver (7) - FORTUNE Small Business