Adaptive Blue - SmartLinks
So I actually did a couple of updates to the site template the other day, and then of course ran out of time when it came to letting people know. Nothing major, but I did add SmartLinks from Adapative Blue.
These clever things take your normal links, and add a little box after them to provide you with some extra information (if you want it). As this is the first time I've tried it out, we'll see how it works with a few things below.
Music - I'm currently thinking of going up to Boulder (on a Monday night of all times) to see Kate Nash, coz I love her album.
Movies - We watched Michael Clayton the other weekend, and it kinda rocked. One of the best films we've seen this year.
Books - I started reading The Breakthrough Company last night (and I think set a new personal record for the number of books I've currently got on the go, but that's a whole other post).
Money - I'm hoping the Apple stock goes back up soon.
And finally (and not sure if this one does anything), here's my LinkedIn profile - it looks like they released a new user interface over the weekend, which is all Ajaxie. Which reminds me - I really need to make a bit more effort to put some details on there.
Anyway, see how that works for you - if you hate it, let me know. If you love it, you can tell me that too, but as always, I assume silence is complete apathy.....
Labels: technology, web
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