Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Secrecy Over - Whereyougonnabe is Live

Having been a (not very) top secret Alpha tester (a first for me, apart from what I passed off as code in the old days when I could still do that sort of stuff), the secrecy has been eating away at me. Well, not really, but the apps cool, and having used it for a couple of months now, has helped me out, even though the user base was relatively limited.

Obviously, Pete has all the details in the post below, so I'm not going to recount what it does in detail, but basically it'll let me broadcast to the world (or just my friends) where I'm going to be in the coming hours/days/weeks/months so if you happen to be in the same place, or close by, we can hang out, or get drunk together, or have a very important business meeting at a random airport.

And the integration with Google Earth had the wow factor to make me smile.

So, join up, plug in your stuff, and see u in a random pub sometime

geothought: Our whereyougonnabe application is now open to the world!