Spring Time in Denver
A lot of times, various family members come across to Denver in either spring or autumn (fall) - the flights tend to be a lot cheaper than the middle of summer, and they can sometimes get in a first or last ski day, while not being snowbound for the rest of the time they're here. One of the questions I always get asked is "what clothes should I bring? Is it going to be hot and cold?" My standard response is always "well, you can probably sunbathe in your shorts/bikini one day, and we might get a foot of snow the next" to which (unless they've been here) they always laugh, tell me to stop messing around and ask me again what to pack.
So, for all the non-believers, here's a pretty typical example of spring weather in Denver. We're going to hit 80 today, and there's a decent chance of snow tomorrow (or maybe just rain if we're lucky), with more than a 30 degree difference in temperature. Like I said, this is pretty typical - on Sunday I remember it going from 78 to 38 in the space of 4 hours - that was an interesting experience.
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