Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Camera

IMG_0017.JPG, originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.

So after weeks/months of reviewing, deciding, changing my mind, being a good boy etc etc, I finally succumbed to the temptation of buying a new camera.

This one is a big step up from the last one - a Canon DSLR. Having survived on point and shoot cameras for all of my life so far, the array of buttons is kinda overwhelming, but luckily for me (and my sanity over the weekend) it has a fully automatic mode.

Hopefully my pictures will gradually improve over time - I spent all of last night reading the manual, so at least I got an idea of what each of the buttons do, although how that translates into what happens with a photo is still a bit of a mystery. So, I ordered a couple of books on Amazon to try and help me out - if anyone's got any recommendations then let me know.

So, two photos with this post - the top one is Fynn, who displays an unwavering excitement to all my new techie toys (I think she gets it from her mother), and below is Avery, who stopped by on Saturday to share some hotdogs.


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