Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beatrix Olivia Mary Armstrong, Welcome to the World

On Saturday July 12th, Rachel finally had her latest addition to the family pop out, and both new baby and mother are doing well. I don't have any pics yet, but I'll post when I do receive them (trust me, I asked). I did get the "I managed to be shopping at 5, and had the baby at 7" comment though, so I think Rach was pretty happy about that (not sure if that was coz the labor was short, or the fact that she managed to get some extra shopping in before being holed up inside for a few days?).

In related news, Faye decided to have her baby a little early yesterday, so welcome to the world Mia Hall as well. Mother and baby are doing well (and you have to be impressed with a girl who calls work 4 hours into her labor to let us know she's not going to be in the office that day!).

And in related news, if you haven't heard already, Tonks and Aly have joined the "we're having a baby soon" gang - estimated delivery around the end of January, but given recent experiences, it could be earlier or later. Congrats!

UPDATE - pics arrived from Rach

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