Friday, September 05, 2008

Quick List

As always happens, I end up saving a load of stuff to post, and then having such a large backlog that it never gets posted. So, the quick link version of a post..... Click at your peril

Giant spider attacking Liverpool? (I'm just surprised it hasn't been nicked yet ;-)

6.1lb Carbon Fiber Wheels? Yes please..

A cool caravan
, if that's even possible (and the inside definitely looks better than the outside)

Wish I was there (actually wish the helicopter crash hadn't actually happened...)

My favorite car of the week (but the wife is _never_ going to let this sit in the driveway)

Golf course on the roof?

DIY Photoshopping made just for me

BMW, I love you, but sometimes you break my heart

It's fast, and furious, and Vin is finally back

Please come here (and without a doubt, winner of the best pedals in the world)

The big sneeze

Best keg design yet

And if you got through all that, congratulations, pour yourself a drink....
