The Bike Post
So my little brother's had a rough couple of weeks as far as transport is concerned. One engine blow up (bike) and one driveshaft snap (car) hasn't made for too much fun. So, here's a couple of bikes that might make him smile.
First up is the Confederate Fighter bike. This is up for sale as part of the Neimain Marcus catalog this year, for the bargain price of $110k. Maybe I should get 2.....
Next up is the Honda V4 concept bike - super clean, although I can't quite work out how the wheels go around... Anyone got any ideas?
And finally, the Ferrari concept (also called the V4 - must be running out of names for concept bikes I guess). I'm not sure I like the shape as much as the other two (it looks pretty fat to me, but I'm no bike expert), but under the skin looks pretty decent if you want to click through.
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