Top Gear Live

So one of the reasons I headed back to England a week before the wife was to make sure I could take part in a little birthday pressie for my two brothers - a day trip down to Birmingham to see Top Gear Live. Although we had to get up ridiculously early, it was well worth it, and everyone seemed to have a great time.

If you've never seen Top Gear on TV, you're missing out, even if you're not really that into cars (both Heidi and Lauren enjoy it despite their less than enthusiastic general disposition to auto transport). There's plenty of fun and games in each program to keep most people entertained, and every now and again, they put together a couple of live events (apparently tickets for the actual TV show mean an 20 year waiting list or something).

So, lots of cars going very fast in a small space, plenty of burning rubber, the usual dose of comedy and even a game of Smart Car Footy were put on to keep us entertained. The team was even conned (apparently a last day of the show stitch up by the producers) to play musical instruments while talking about the Supercars being shown.

And of course, Jeremy Clarkson, one of the funniest guys in the world, (and apparently being pushed to run for Prime Minster in the UK at the next election....)made his way into the crowd to dole out some abuse. I managed to avoid it by hiding behind my camera, and from what he said to the teenager 2 rows in front, I was a lucky boy 8-)
So, it was a blast, and if you ever get the chance to see one of these things, I'd recommend it. It's the only show you'll ever attend where the hosts end the show with "Just remember, although you've seen lots of fast cars driving about the stage today, when you leave here, you'll be back on public roads. So, in the interests of health and safety, drive fast" 8-))
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