Monday, February 16, 2009

Updated Widgets

So the Last.FM music widgets that weren't working properly finally got the better of me (pissed me off no end given the code has been the same for the last year or two, and I kinda liked them a lot when they were working), so I took the opportunity to mess with a few of the other widgets over there as well.

I've now upgraded to the new all-in-one Lijit blog (it has different sections if you click on it), as well as getting my music widget from Adaptive Blue (they're the one who's been supplying my Amazon widgets for a while). I also added the Shelfari widget, as I finally got signed up last week after thinking about it for at least 12 months. It should show a few of the books I've read recently (I hope anyway), and if you're signed up on the site, you can add me as a friend if you feel like it.

I did at one point plan a complete makeover of the whole thing, but I don't think I have the talent to get it to do what I want, at least not on a work night, so I gave it a miss. Maybe a project for a long weekend sometime when we get snowed in.....