Monday, July 20, 2009

One thing I did do this weekend

I've been having a bit of a technical nightmare this past few weeks, which even resulted in the unheard of happening - the TiVo wasn't working properly. Actually, it was just not connecting to the TiVo service and downloading new show schedules, and I caught it before it affected much of anything, but even so, it was a frustrating weekend that even had me consulting the website for support.....

However, all working now, and I ended up messing around with stuff I don't normally - one thing was the Netflix Instant Watch stuff on the TiVo, but the other (and the reason for this post), was using my AppleTV to watch stuff on YouTube (and why does everything I use have capital T's in them??)

Anyway, I came across this short story thing - it's about 8 minutes long, but as with all good short stories, worth your time if you haven't seen it
