BBC America shows added to iTunes Store
I'm hoping this list gets bigger pretty quickly, and obviously I want Top Gear to get added immediately - that would rock.
BBC America shows added to iTunes Store - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Random ramblings about not necessarily anything in particular, and not much more....
I'm hoping this list gets bigger pretty quickly, and obviously I want Top Gear to get added immediately - that would rock.
Finally, someone at Subaru remembered what the STi was all about. If only they had shown the guys who designed the new one this ad before they started (and the engineers who dialed in the understeer as well for that matter), and I might have gone out and bought another one.
I'm not sure if I've just been susceptible to watch posts lately, or if there's some new craze on the gadget sites I follow, but I ended up with a lot of watches in my list of stuff to post. So, I thought I'd get most of them done in one go, and then you can just ignore this post if you don't like watches. How nice is that? (I'm sure your disinterest in cars also makes it to watches Lauren, and given you're one of my key demographics, I like to make sure I keep you happy ;-)
Labels: watch
The backlogs building up of stuff in my list to share (bet you can't wait, right), but a combination of laziness, travel and a humungous garage sale last weekend meant the computer got neglected, and my blog has been lonely. I will try and fix it this weekend....
What worried me was that I don't think I've been to any of these places. We did go to the Alan Ducasse restaurant on Mauritius (his sister restaurant is at no.18 in this list) but that's as close as I've come. Our experience there deserves a whole other post though, so stay tuned - I might eventually get to it. And maybe I'll try a couple of these places - I have a feeling though that my infatuation with Big Mac's and KFC suggests a simpler approach to food is what satisfies me.
Labels: food
First time I've seen the coupe in real life. I'm sure they put it in the entrance way of the service area at the garage to force you to think about getting one when you're old one needs a service.
I still prefer the older shape, and having seen the 4 door the other day, I think it looks better than this as well. However, I'd still have one if they were willing to give me a straight swap, and I realize as soon as I hear one revving up, the V8 will force me to get the check book out. Luckily ear plugs have saved me so far, although the service tech thought I was a bit of a wanker when I couldn't hear a word he said. Better safe than sorry though.....
Looks like there's another app out there that I'm going to have to try. The quest for the easy and most fun way of keeping my web life up to date occasionally feels like the never ending battle.
Having been a (not very) top secret Alpha tester (a first for me, apart from what I passed off as code in the old days when I could still do that sort of stuff), the secrecy has been eating away at me. Well, not really, but the apps cool, and having used it for a couple of months now, has helped me out, even though the user base was relatively limited.
The other Aaron I know (apart from myself, although presuming that I know myself is probably a little presumptuous) went live today with an initial release 10 webisodes. I haven't had a chance to view any yet, but I'm highly recommending it anyway. Check it out here.
Just testing my new Flickr posting configuration with the most fantastic picture of Mr Stone that I have. He worked for hours to make sure his hair was perfect for JB and Susan's wedding, and you can tell.
Note to self - when your wife calls you from Vegas asking to measure certain parts of the dog, just say no ;-)
CNET linked to this post, even when CNET was on the list. That's kinda cool if you ask me (and I still read the CNET news site on a regular basis, and it's the default place for my review viewing, so not sure how/when/if it became irrelevant).
Well, my brothers IM's do - especially when he spots someone as famous as King Kev - I just wonder how many people can claim to have been laughed at by the Newcastle manager?
I know, I'm biased (not that I have this version of course). And one of the cool things about this is it's actually real video with camera slots cut into the side of the engine, along with the needed light holes as well. I've never seen the inside of an engine when it's running before - have you?
Labels: home
When I first changed my web reading habits to use Google Reader, it was a bit of epiphany - I could keep track of all my car and gadget websites without spending time going from site to site, I didn't miss a post, and I could star anything I fancied posting to this site for when I actually had time. I had previously looked at a desktop newsreader ages before that, but I freaked out after an hour as the thing dinged everytime I got a new post, so I got nothing done for that first hour, and uninstalled the app a few minutes later (and yes, I realize that I could have switched off notifications, or the app for that matter, but I was just too scared). Google Reader was kinda like the perfect combination - I needed to make an effort in the first place to open it, it didn't ding, and I could control my reading habits at least somewhat.
Labels: web
My fave photo site launches video. What is really weird about this is that it happened on the exact day I signed up for Vimeo and their ohsopretty video site.. Oh well, life on the web these days is just a bit of a fragmented mess of competing stuff that improves at different rates over time - maybe I shouldn't mess around with so much different stuff, and stick to one site per service. Guess I'm just afraid I might miss out on something cool. Paranoia - the thought of champions....
It arrived last night - not much light to shoot the full set of pics, so for now you'll have to do with this quick camera photo.
I don't think I've ever tried to sell anything on this site, but just on the off chance you live in the Denver area, and are on the lookout for a pristine 2000 Honda Civic Coupe with less than 60k on the clock, I thought I'd give it a try ;-)
It looks like the GT-R is doing the rounds for magazine and website testing, so lots of new videos of some track time are shooting up over YouTube and the various sites. The more I read about this car, the more enticing it's becoming. Still wishing for a real gearbox though - I guess that these days that firmly puts me in the old school camp...
Just in case there was any doubt about Al Brown's reputation as the scariest dancer in the world, take a look at the pic. Luckily, Lindsay survived another day, but others in the past haven't been quite so lucky.
The reason there haven't been many posts lately is because I had the fortune of travelling down to Tulum, Mexico with the wife, to attend JB and Susan's wedding (that'll be another post when I get a chance).