Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another Win for The Toon

Newcastle are finally getting some of their players back and fit, and we're starting to play like it. Third win in a row, and hopefully it will continue. The likely lads continued to score - Owen got two and Shearer got one, although the team as a whole played well (especially in the second half) and they all deserve credit. Sounness in his post match interview pointed out correctly that we went to pieces for 5 minutes after the first goal, and Given once again was the saviour.

Fox Soccer Channel seems to be having a glut of Necastle games these days, and I'm definitely not complaining. I think I've found my lucky shirt for watching them on tv now, and I've definitely broken the losing streak they had when I watched them live on tv over here again. If only I can get them on a lucky streak like they had when I had my 'lucky jacket' back when Keegan was boss - we went the whole season unbeaten at home when I wore it (I forgot it for one game and we lost - can you believe it....)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

UMTS On It's Way...

It looks like UMTS is on it's way - Cingular has sort of announced a November rollout (Sprint seems to be bying for a Monday rollout for it's EV-DO data network, so they'll beat them). Anyway, the good thing about all this is that firstly it's getting rolled out in Atlanta, which is where I seem to be spending a lot of my time these days, and second, we're in the process of negotiating a new wireless provider at work (with the current leader looking like it could be Cingular). So this phone could be mine in time for the new year...

Nokia’s 6282 supports 1900MHz UMTS - Engadget -

New BMW 3 Series Coupe - it's UGLY!!!!!

I think anyway - what do you think? I was hoping for something much nicer than this, especially with how gorgeous the A4 convertible looks...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Batty Joins Integraph

I always find it a little weird when one of your mates gets a press release (it hasn't happened much), but today was one of those days. It turns out that Pete (Batty - how come all my friends likely to have a press release are called Pete??) got a new job - link to the release here.

All Points Blog: Our Opinion, Your Views — The Weblog for Location Technology & GIS

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Chipolte IPO

It has to be everyone's dream - finding a food you crave, and then coming across the fact that they're just about to do an IPO. Your hunger pangs can be satisfied while making yourself money......

I have a feeling this one will go pretty well, so my retirement savings (or some of them at least) will be going into this (if I can work out how to buy the bloody things before it gets listed).

MSN Money - Associated Press Business News: McDonald's Chipotle Files $100 Million IPO : US:MCD

Monday, October 24, 2005

Geordie Triumph

Another classic free kick won it for us. Managed to catch the game on FSC and we played pretty well in the first half, and ok in the second. But in these games, the result is all that matters, and I know have bragging rights over Pete when we go back home for Christmas.
Glad to see Ameobi having a good game, and Nobby back in the team, but the real star was Emre (even without the free kick). Now if we get everyone fit, I think we're going to have a decent team in the near future.....

Hurricanes are over-rated

Well, not necessarily, but landed in Tampa last night when the hurricane was supposedly on the way, and it was a little bumpy, but nothing out of the ordinary. This was probably due to Wilma staying on track and hitting the coastline further south, so I won't get too cocky. I'm sure those CNN reporters specifically stand in the windiest places in the towns they're in, just to make the footage look better.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Essential Travel Items

So given I'm on the road for the next couple of months (well, most of the time anyway), I thought I'd put together a list of things I never travel without. It helps when you're stuck in the airport, on the plane, or for weeks in the hotel.

I'd also like to point out that while I was thinking of this list, I realised that my wife was the one who bought me most of this stuff. I'm a lucky boy 8-)

Sony PSP - play games, watch movies, survive long plane journeys and come out of the other end smiling. I had read the reviews, but nothing really prepared me for the quality of the picture (or the games for that matter). And I've yet to run out of batteries on the plane. The only difficulty these days is deciding which movies I buy on DVD compared to UMD.

iPod - along with the rest of the world - although technically I could download my music onto my PSP, I'm still addicted to my iPod. A recent refresh of the music now means I can confidently leave it on shuffle and smile at almost every song. I just have to keep telling myself that I don't need the new video iPod.

Shure EC2 Sound Insulating Headphones - although definitely not their top of the line headphones, the difference between these and my original iPod headphones is incredible. Not only is the sound quality great, it keeps out the dull drone of the engines on the puddle jumpers, and they've never fallen out when at the gym (admittedly, if you know me that doesn't mean much - maybe tried them 4 or 5 times this year in this environment...).

A book - I'm normally pretty particular about the books I read, and tend to go through cycles where I'll read loads of books in a short period of time, and then not read anything for months. The travel fixes this - you have to switch your gadgets off for take off and landing, and I have a problem just sitting around doing nothing. Business travel means business books - recent ones are Think Big, Act Small , Love is the Killer App and currently reading another 3 or 4 semi-simultaneously, which if they turn out to be any good, I might let you know about.

OK - that'll do for now. Although the one other thing I've recently added (more due to the lack of food on United these days, and the weird flight times to Atlanta from Denver) is a Power Bar. Saved my life a couple of times (including this week actually, when I forgot to grab lunch before jumping on the plane).

If anyone has some suggestions on things you can't travel without, let me know.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Big Weekend in Newcastle

Not that I'm going home for the weekend or anything, but this weekend is the big local derby with the mackems (Sunderland, in case you were wondering). It always get me a little on edge when this comes up, although as I was discussing with Neil earlier on in the week, if we don't get the result want, we don't have to survive months of gloating from fans in the office.

There's a bit of extra spice these days - Pete (my best man) is now the Chief Exec over at Sunderland (strange job choice if you ask me, but I'm sure it's not the dullest job in the world).

Anyway, if there's no posts all next week, it's either coz we lost and I'm depressed, or I'm stupid enough to fly into a hurrican on Sunday (currently planned - don't you love work).

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ashes are ours

England won the ashes a couple of weeks back, and for some reason, the Aussies in the office didn't really get a whole lot of grief for it. Maybe it was the knowledge that there's a decent chance we might lose them next time, and take another 20 years or so to get them back.

Anyway, here's my token gesture, especially for Ash and Tonks.

That's the cricket and the rugby guys - here's hoping we end up in your World Cup footie group next year (if you manage to qualify).

Audi S8 gets new V10 from Gallardo

Ever since Ronin, the Audi A8 has held a special place in my heart (although I always like it a lot before the film). Now they're putting in the engine from the Lamborghini Gallardo (although I think in slightly detuned form). Still, it should be pretty fast, and plenty of room for lots of your mates (or partners in crime..).

And I know Audis had been getting grief for the new grill being too big, but on this car, with the chrome slats in there, I think it looks great.

2007 Audi S8 gets new V10 from Gallardo - Autoblog - _

Monday, October 17, 2005

If it's not one thing.....

So I finally get around to making this site work properly in IE. Then I try and update some of the links to DVD's etc from our good friends at Amazon (who incidently reminded me what great service looks like last week when there was a small issue with a delivery, which they fixed at no charge and made my day), and they don't work.

Anyway, I'll take another crack at it when I get 5 minutes to come up for air - in the meantime it will have to be "future release" feature (can you tell I've used that line before?). Work beckons, but the trip to Vegas is edging ever closer, so a few weeks of hard work is survivable at the minute.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Spam Stock Tracker

If you've ever been tempted to invest in stock advice you get through spam, please visit this site before you do. Someone decided to keep track of how many millions someone would earn (or lose) if they invested in all of the recommendations that come through their email address. Although not unexpected, it's still a bit of any eye opener.

Spam Stock Tracker - tracking how much money people can lose with penny stocks from spam.

I didn't win the lottery (yet)

Turns out no-one won the jackpot in the lottery last night, so it rolls over, and looks like hitting $340 million on Wednesday night. I'll be lining up with everyone else this week to get some tickets. I'm pretty confident - although the odds are bad, I just think it's my time ;-)

And of course, I've been checking out the stock in local Ferrari garage, just in case. The fact that they have a nice 360 Challenge Stradale just sitting there must mean it's fate for me to win....

Colorado Lottery: Powerball Winning Numbers

Friday, October 14, 2005

George Wallace Buys a House!!!!

Can you believe it - it looks fantastic, and it's in Wash Park. Mr Wallace is the only guy I know who buys almost as many houses as shirts (both in single digits in the last 8 years...).

Now the question is "When is the housewarming party?"

Flickr - the other photos

Wedding Album Photos are now online!!!

I know there's been a few sets of wedding photographs dished out on the main site, but these are the official album photographs.

I want to give a huge plug to Murray Photography, who took some amazing shots. They're also two of the coolest people we dealt with for the whole marraige thing, and helped make our day extra special with a cool and laid back approach to getting the shots.

Password is our surname if you want to check out the pics.

Murray Wedding Photography

007 Announced

Sorry about the small pick, that's what I got from IMDB. Anyway, classy actor Daniel Craig takes over as the next James Bond (Sean is still my favourite). Not widely known in America (I don't think anyway) as Layer Cake didn't get a big release over here (I brought back the DVD from England before it was out at the movies here). Still, he was in one of the Tomb Raider films (the pic is from that film I believe), and he's done a few other bits and pieces that you might have seen. Full filmography (is that really a word?) here

Update - the BBC has a nice set of photos of all the previous Bonds here

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Best Halloween Costume Ever!

MI6 Is Recruiting

Just in case anyone is interested. Internation men (and women of course) of mystery, this is your place. Although officially known as SIS (although since when I have no idea - no doubt an 80's or 90's investment in some dodgy ad agency (sorry Rach) to come up with a new name, similar to the BT logo change fiasco), brits know it as MI6, and for you foreigners out there who still don't know what it is, it's the part of the government Mr James Bond works for (007).

A quick run through of friends who might actually be successful at this - Nixta springs to mind immediately, and Mr Batty of course (anyone who went to Oxford or Cambridge and now lives in a foreign country has a much higher chance than most of the rest of the world of being recruited, if the rumours are true). Can't see Wallace or Neil doing this, but Graham might be a good choice, as he talks to everyone, and no-one would ever believe he was a spy - he can be secretive when he want's to be as well......

The problem with this type of stuff though, is that even if your best mate joined up, you might never find out - how weird would that be? Anyway, my series 3 copy of Spooks arrived from the UK Amazon store yesterday (isn't modern technology great!), so I may well indulge myself over the weekend, and apply on Monday. But if I do, I won't be telling you...

The official website of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's here

So the new iPod arrived, it plays video, as well as music and it's now even thinner....

The other cool thing with the announcement was that some TV programs (Lost, Desperate Houswives, couple of others) will be available from the iTunes Music (or is that video?) store the day after broadcast, and complete with no adverts! Pretty cool - think I read somewhere that you can also get Pixar movies on here for 2 bucks, but haven't confirmed that quite yet.

Battery life is up another 5 hours (to 20 now), and 30 and 60 gig models available. Video support is H.264 and Mpeg4, so you watch your own home movies if you wanted too.

There was also the new iMac - bumped up processor speed, included bluetooth remote, built in iSight (with a flash and a new app called Photo Booth) and Front Row, a multi media viewing application sort of thing (that works with the remote, and is shown on the screen).

And iTunes version 6 to support the video stuff is out now - just about to download it....

Apple Updates Live

Credit where credit is due - still half an hour to the start of the Apple grand unveling, and iLounge already has shots of the new adverts. The screen might be bigger (?who knows?) but not 100% - isn't amazing how much excitement there is these days around what Apple is doing? When was the last time Microsoft generated anything like this (apart from my frantic desperation for a 360 I guess).

Anyway, live updates on the show are here

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Xbox 360 hands-on preview - Engadget

It's out in the wild, I'm excited, and not long till technically I could go purchase one. Physically doing it is another issue (practical things like cash, time, being in Denver as the hotels in Atlanta don't have the necessary connections etc etc).

Now if only Apple's press event tomorrow reveals the dream gadgets we've all been waiting for, I'll be a happy man.

Xbox 360 hands-on preview - Engadget -

Oh Yeah Baby - New Skyline on the way

Need we say more. I know my brothers have had the pleasure of being in one of these machines, and the grins lasted at least a few weeks. One day, I may be so lucky....

PistonHeads New Skyline

Hobbit's Really Exist

Apparently anyway, according to a report out of Indonesia. Unless the sceptics get their way, and it's just real people with some disease to stop them growing.

I'm all for the fairy tale believing approach. Now has anyone seen that ring? - Jawbone of Hobbit-like species uncovered - Oct 11, 2005

Monday, October 10, 2005

READYWHENUR: The SMS Kettle From The Heavens

This one is especially for our office kettle expert, Mr Wallace.

Being able to text it to get the kettle on the boil before you get into the office (or home I suppose), sounds just like the perfect thing to me. Seeing George driving one handed round the carpark while trying to text in his souped up scooby might be a little dangerous though, especially if the snow keeps up the way it has for the last 12 hours...

READYWHENUR: The SMS Kettle From The Heavens - Gizmodo

The 25 People We Envy Most

Well, not we as in me and Heidi, but we as in Fortune Magazine. It makes a nice change to not list the richest people in the world (although admittedly, most of the people on this list are up there), but at least they come up with som other reasons. I especially liked the Paul Allen piece, pointing out that he did what all of us (well, definitely me anyway) dream of doing, which is striking gold, earning your millions (or billions) and having the good sense to walk away with it to go play. 3 huge yachts and a couple of sports teams - now that sounds like fun to me.

Hero of the list has to be Jonathan Ives though - not only has he designed all the really cool Apple stuff that I spend my hard earned wages on, he went to my University!!! Special mention for Jake Burton, who's early snowboarding video (magically attained by Mr Marshall when we were 14), led the two of us to cobble together some wood and fake footstraps and launch ourselves down the side of the Priory in Tynemouth, somehow hoping to learn to steer on the way down. Luckily, living in Denver now means I get to use proper equipment (real bindings and boots!), and get up to the real mountains as often as I can physically get my arse off the couch (so once or twice a season recently...)

The 25 People We Envy Most

Crash, bang, wallop

Taking the "you never come away from Target without blowing 100 bucks on something" to a new level, the sister decided to attempt a rear mount of a local SUV. It was too tall, she ended up slightly underneath, and you can see the result.

Luckily, no-one was hurt, and there's hope the insurance will fund the Thompsons next (old but luxury) car purchase. I vote for the XJR......

Room in a castle

Bamburgh Castle has to be one of my favourite castles back home. It's a big thing, right on the beach (one of the best beaches as well - if only it was 20 degrees warmer in that sea....).

I didn't even know you could live here - it's got a nice museum in it, but apparently they have apartments in there. This one's a little pricey, but it's nice to dream.

BBC NEWS | England | Tyne | Apartment in castle up for rent

LG’s DMB phone lets you pause live TV for calls - Engadget

Must be a phone day - never quite sure if I'd watch TV on my phone, but you never know - waiting for hours in Atlanta airport, I'm pretty sure I'd be tempted.....

LG’s DMB phone lets you pause live TV for calls - Engadget -

Sony Ericsson P990 - Gizmodo

So I'm more interested than most in the new phone from Sony Ericsson for two reasons - 1) I used to own (actually still do, it's just in a drawer somewhere) the predecessor of this, the P800, and 2) we're in the process of possibly getting a new phone service with work, which means I'll not be stuck on the crappy Sprint line of phones after the New Year.

I loved my P800 - it was great - played MP3's (so no idea what the big deal is with the recent spate of ROKR or Walkman phones), video, you could browse the web in a browser, had bluetooth (which _still_ isn't available on my Sprint phone), and loads of other cool stuff that made it the main event at any geek party. There were a couple of problems in the end though, the first being that it pretty much stopped working. Pretty serious, I know, but you can obviously tell how much I liked the phone overall by how small an issue I think this is ;-) I also had the Treo problem of closing a call with my cheek a couple of times, and the software to synch up with Outlook sort of screwed up my contacts a couple of times. It was still pretty though ;-)

Anyway, this is gorgeous, looks like it has everything you could ever want in a phone (including WiFi access!!!), and I might even splash out and buy one when the time comes.....

Sony Ericsson P990 - Hermione Unbound - Gizmodo
Engadget link

Friday, October 07, 2005

PSP firmware guide

Hack-a-day provides the nice handy guide to firmware upgrades if you've got a PSP.

Just be very very careful which one you download.

And also be aware of the rumours of a deliberate virus in the firmware downgrade some of you might want for your homebrew apps.

PSP firmware guide - hack a day - _

Land of the Free

But not the free t....

Clothes call

Quick Roundup of Stuff

Been slacking a little in the posts, so here's a quick roundup of bits and pieces.

New Cayman S reviews are starting to come out now. Forbes one is here. It's obviously fantastic, but is it good enough to tempt me away from my 911 obsession (with the 4-wheel drive Denver combatibility advantage)? Time will only tell.

And what about the new Lotus Europa - I loved these cars back when I was a kid - seeing Mr Bond blasting around in one while recovering from Christmas lunch when I was 7 has me emotionally tied. And the fact that I was almost as tall as one of the originals was obviously a bonus!

Not much going on in the gadget world - a couple of new Nokia proof of concepts (one of which is further down the page). I think everyone is holding out for the Apple nwes next week (I really hope it's going to be good, as it's getting to hysteria levels on the web).

AOL went and bought Weblogs Inc - I just hope it doesn't affect (in a negative way) what these guys have been dishing out - I'm sort of addicted to a few of these sites (like TV Squad, Card Squad and Engadget). If only Card Squad could actually improve my poker game.

Tivo has been saving my life recently (and not just through catching the last minute schedule changes on FSC and recording my Newcastle game for me). New seasons on TV just mean you have too much to watch on any given night (especially when the wife is out of town on business), at least until you whittle down to what you actually think are good programs. Unfortunately, and purely through user error, I didn't tape the last episode of So you Think You Can Dance for my wife. I'm sorry baby. Despite not seeing the show, I can confidently predict that if one of the guys won, he probably won't be celebrating with a girlfriend...

And our company celebrated it's 2 year anniversary this week. It's been a blast so far, and hopefully will continue that way. We've come a long way, and hope to go much further (including toning down the green on our web page - I'm working on it, promise.....).

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vegas is a great place!

No real reason for this post, except that I'm heading out there with Heidi in a couple of weeks time. I never really win any money (my birthday last year was as close as I came to coming back from the trip actually in profit - I broke even). I have a couple of theories about this - the main one being that I have recently been relying on playing slots the majority of the time, instead of at the tables. I had a brief encounter with craps at the bachelor party (I still don't understand what I'm meant to do, and have cold sweats when I'm expected to throw those dice without hitting the waitress 300 yards away...), and I used to primarily play blackjack. But slots is easy and fun, and it can pay off big time if you hit a lucky streak. But that's just the thing, there's no skill involved, so you can quickly lose a decent chunk of money in no time at all.

The plan for this time is to see if I can get myself into a No Limit Texas Hold'em game. Not that I expect to win or anything, but the on-line playing has been coming along quite nicely, and I seem to be at a point where I understand what wins and what doesn't, and how to steal the occasional pot. It'll be nice to see if I can at least not get knocked out first, and see what happens. And the other advantage is, if I get into a cheap $20 tournament, I could make that 20 bucks last (with hopefully free drinks) for a decent hour or two. Definitely beats the $20 every 5 minutes when you're losing on Wheel of Fortune slots...

God Told Him

This is a little scary - here was me thinking that God was a big believer in the ten commandments and all that, peace and tranquility, and generally against war. However, it seems that the good President has a direct line to his wishes, and it turns out he's really into invading countries.

I try not go off on a political rampage on these pages (primarily coz I don't really have strong opinions for either camp), but does stuff like this not scare people out there??

Display Problems

Looks like when you view this site using Internet Explorer, for some reason the main blog entries don't start on the right until way down the page. It works fine in Firefox, and I'm in no way an HTML expert, so no promises on when it will be fixed.

I'll try and take a look tonight when I have some time to mess about with it. Until then, I blame Bill Gates......

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Darth Vader Lives

Mr Agin (who never seems to spend any time working, and has the worlds worst case of messenger ADD ever), sent this link through. It's amazing how much fun things connected to The Dark Side can be.

Given that I've been banned from scaring the wife (like my father before me), I have to take pleasure in other peoples messing around. I have to say, this is a bit of a classic.

Funny Darth Vader Prank - Man Scares Wife

Microsoft reveals game lineup for Xbox 360

CNET kindly gave us the list of Xbox 360 games this morning - it's not a full list, but the important ones are on. I just hope the prices of these things doesn't go ballistic (otherwise I might have to join Gamefly).

Anyway, the one people seem to be anticipating the most is Perfect Dark Zero, but the thing that made me happiest was

"Project Gotham Racing 3" from independent game studio Blizzard Creations also should be available in time for the holiday-shopping season, Microsoft said at a press event in Amsterdam.

Microsoft reveals game lineup for Xbox 360 | CNET

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Apple Special Event

They're all special, but in the usual style (except this seems a little more secret, with no concrete leaks I can work out), Apple has announced somethings going to happen next week.

Can I stand the anticipation and excitement? Only time will tell. More details and theories provided by the Apple Insider in the link below.

AppleInsider | Apple to hold special event on Oct 12 (image)

Flickr for Everyone

OK, so I made a bad assumption that everyone I knew already knew about Flickr, and how cool it was, and what you could do with it (especially the for free bit). Given Neils enthusiastic response last week when I uploaded some of his photos onto my Flickr account and pointed it out to him, it turns out that some people are still in the dark.

There are a couple of things I really really like about Flickr
  • It's free (up to a limit). You get 20 Meg in bandwidth every month (which translates into a lot of photos if you don't need to upload photos you can print out as posters), and just need to create an ID (or link in your Yahoo ID if you have one of those already).
  • If this isn't enough for you photo phreaks out there, a pro account can be yours for only 25 bucks (and thats a year, not a month). Loads more upload bandwidth (100 X more I think), and unlimited sets (photo albumy type things).
  • You can make pix public for everyone, limit them only to friends, or only to family, all with a click of a button.
  • There's loads of add-ons so you can easily upload photos from your computer (PC or Mac versions work great)
  • Hours and hours can be lost randomly searching through other peoples photos (it's like working at Boots without the dodgy uniform or looming takeovers)
  • You can create and (search on) tags for photos with the ease of typing.
  • You can get feeds of photos using RSS into your newsreader from your favo(u)rite photographers (or friends if you need to check out your latest collision with the ground after a couple of beers too many didn't make it into the public section)
  • You can email photos directly into your account - means easy uploading of camera phone pix (if you don't have my crappy Sprint service), to share even when you're never at your computer (going to see how this works when I'm back home at Christmas with Heidi's phone if I remember).
  • And I'm always a sucker when the owner/founder (I think anyway) has a blog. So thanks Caterina.
Anyway, that should be enough praise for you all to get one (that includes you Brecke - I hate logging into that scary system you post your picks on with Heidi's login id so I don't get buried in spam for the rest of my life).

Go forth and Flickrize.

Hartge Delimiting BMW M5

Oh so pretty......

Actually, although it looks great, and the big news is the Germans have begun to take off the 155mph voluntary speed limiter (although over here in the US, for some strange reason, we have random speed limiters on various different manufacturers cars - probably scared of the lawyers no doubt), the main reason I posted this was because of the actual article, and the awful grammar (he says after a 20 mile sentence, completely incorrectly constructed).

But, those wheels, and the front spoiler.... I really should stop posting only M5 pics - that's the second one in as many weeks. And I don't even want to own one (the 911 is cheaper, I checked).
Hartge Delimiting BMW M5

Nokia Concept Phones

If only these things were real - bendiliscious phones, never to break when stuffed into your pocket. You could even wear them as a head or wrist band, just to look like Mr Bland as he goes through his 70's tennis phase again.
I Don't Think You Want to Make that Call, Dave - Gizmodo

BBC NEWS - Comedy legend Ronnie Barker dies

Ronnie Barker (the big one from The Two Ronnies) died yesterday, aged 76. He was also in Open All Hours with David Jason, and Porridge, which I never really watched (think I might have been too young when it first came out).

It's goodnight from me, and goodnight from him....

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | TV and Radio | Comedy legend Ronnie Barker dies

Monday, October 03, 2005

Comedy Monday

But you'll have to click through for it.

Jennifer Garner Gives Renee Zellweger Some Advice | A Socialite's Life

Small Cars continued....

Without even talking about the New Nissan Cube
there are just so many new little cars about to invade over here. This one from Suzuki is larger than their bikes, but not by much. Given how cute it looks, it's sure to be adored by the wife - i think I like it for the old skool seat covers myself. Now if we can get the Hyabusa engine in there, Ariel Atom stylee, then we'll be talking.

Suzuki LC concept unveiled at Tokyo Motor Show - Autoblog - _

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mali Nikoli Trbuhovich is born

Mali was born on September 26th at 4.58pm, 7lb 2oz and 51 cms long (how's that for making sure I get the stuff the girls are always interested in included), to proud parents Shelley and Stefan.

For 20 million reasons, including the fact that Shelley and Stef are probably the two coolest people in the world, this has had me grinning since I found out. I'm now getting jaw ache, so should probably stop (or shove a big meat pie in there to force some alternate movement).

Now it's back to the vacation/financial drawing board to see if we can get out to Melbourne before his 18th birthday....