Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Speaking of Fave Sites

MTV just released every single music video online (and embeddable) in the whole world. Well, not really, but there looks to be loads and loads and loads. And it's not just the officially released stuff - there's live, and MTV Unplugged and everything. The only slightly disconcerting thing is Rich Astley appearing (currently anyway) in the most highly rated section. Guess it makes up for never actually playing music on the TV anymore (and making Spencer famous - that really was unforgivable).

To celebrate, watch/listen to one of the best live bands in the worldStereophonics, playing 'Dakota'. I knew this web thing would be useful and fun one day. It looks like that day has arrived. Today.


Favorite Online Shopping Interface?

I believe Amazon has just jumped to the lead with their new site Windowshop (beta). Sounds on by default, so don't say I didn't warn you (and think coverflow for shops if you can't be bother to click through

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Lauren on Dave

Especially for the wife, as we both failed to keep our eyes open late enough to see this on TV last night.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Denver makes me proud

Now we just have to make sure that everyone votes.

How not to unload a car

This kinda breaks my heart

http://view.break.com/593400 - Watch more free videos


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

Ghost Eyes, originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.

Apart from a 45 minute trawl through the various carparks, we had a great time at Boo at the Zoo. Meaghan and Holly were both dressed in full costumes, although I refrained this year after last years exploits.

My mother was trying to convince us she had come as a bee, but I wasn't quite buying it. Guess costumes are in the eye of the beholder ;-)


Friday, October 24, 2008

Oprah Chooses Kindle

In a sign of great taste, Oprah today chose the Kindle to be her new favorite thing. I held out on attaining this gadget for the longest time (well, a long time by my standards), but then my wife got me one for my birthday this year. It's seen loads and loads of use since then, my reading has increased and I've never wanted to throw it out of the window. It's right up there with my iPhone as "essential" in my life, so if you're on the fence about one of these, I'd recommend just going for it. I can't imagine why you'd regret it (unless you don't actually read, in which case how did you make it this far down the paragraph, or maybe you're spending a lot of time abroad so can't take advantage of the online purchasing as often as you need).

Oh yeah, if you're actually buying one of these, you can use OPRAHWINFREY as a discount code, you'll get $50 off before Nov 1.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't be silly

in the rain, even if your car has 4-wheel drive. This brings tears to my eyes (especially as it looks like he could have made a better effort to miss the guard rail).

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Jet Powered Diahatsu

Some people do the craziest things in there spare time, and this looks a prime example. Given the light weight, I'm sure this truck will pretty much take off with any power coming from the jet on the back. Might be fun once, but the year in the hospital after that first trip may not be something you're really looking for. Luckily, in the interests of your safety and well-being, I waited until after the E-Bay auction was finished before posting this. You can thank me later.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mam's Back in the USA

Christmas 05 053, originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.

She didn't bring her bike helmet with her, but we'll be hanging out for the next couple of weeks (while I'm not doing the work travel thing). Should be fun.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I have things

on this list. Not sure if it makes me happy or not, but if the smile is anything to go by, it must (and for the record, the woman in my life was the purchaser, although I think she prefers I wear it when she's not around)


Palin as President Site

Hours of entertainment

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Tax Cuts

Getting kinda bored at McCain repeating the same crap over and over again. And my wife kindly pointed out to me the other night that I said "out of all the Republicans, I'm glad McCain was the one nominated". I'm not sure that's true anymore - the whole discounting womens health during pregnancy thing on Wed night got to me, and just the way you can tell he's trying to smile over the top of all that anger during the debates. Anyway, he always goes on about taxes, but if you look into the facts, unless you're earning over a quarter of a million every year, you'd be better off under Obama (that's what the independent fact checkers have come up with, not me).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pacman Seat

Love this, especially the red one.


Brake Your Nuts

Please don't get these (but it made me laugh out loud)

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Favorite Ice Cubes?

These AK 47 Bullets just went up near the top of mine.

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Be a robot for a week?

If you want to try it, you can rent these exoskeleton legs for $2200 per week. 10 times your normal strength apparently, so if you've got an upcoming UFC fight, or a bully at school who you think might jump you, it could be the perfect solution. Me, I might get a set for Mark Viduka - been a while since I've seen him play......

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Type. Faster.

Exercise that mouse - apparently it speeds up the faster you type - hows that for motivation?


Fave Pic of the Week

It Sounded Sooooo Good

right until the screeching started....

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Presidential Pumpkin Patterns

How's that for alliteration?And what could be more pleasant than having a picture of Tina Palin/Sara Fey on your Halloween special? Downloads and printouts and everything, for the artistically incapable (me).

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Monday, October 13, 2008

New McLaren Supercar Coming?

I really really hope so - the last one is still competitive, despite it's age, and I love the front seat configuration (one driver, two passengers behind). Never going to be able to afford one, but more cars for the dream list is always good. Auto Express has the spy pics here.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Bike Post

So my little brother's had a rough couple of weeks as far as transport is concerned. One engine blow up (bike) and one driveshaft snap (car) hasn't made for too much fun. So, here's a couple of bikes that might make him smile.

First up is the Confederate Fighter bike. This is up for sale as part of the Neimain Marcus catalog this year, for the bargain price of $110k. Maybe I should get 2.....

Next up is the Honda V4 concept bike - super clean, although I can't quite work out how the wheels go around... Anyone got any ideas?

And finally, the Ferrari concept (also called the V4 - must be running out of names for concept bikes I guess). I'm not sure I like the shape as much as the other two (it looks pretty fat to me, but I'm no bike expert), but under the skin looks pretty decent if you want to click through.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Just for George

You know you want one.....

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Pool Room

Finally, something to outdo Mr Batty's Bond Themed screen descent from the ceiling ;-)

Halloween Eyes

If you're struggling for a costume, maybe these will give you a little inspiration. I'm kinda tempted to forgo the whole costume thing and just wear these with a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Low mainenance, but still kinda creepy. Of course, I'll probably end up as Tigger or the Beer Keg again....



Hmm, not exactly sure what you'd use these for, unless you're putting the dog on the back of the Harley with you....

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The Downturn

A bit off topic for me, but if you're interested in all of the turmoil and volatility in the markets at the minute (which I've been following a little too closely for my own health), and what to do about it, take a look at this slide show from Sequoia Capital, one of the best VC companies out there. As well as the how we got there part, they're also telling their portfolio companies what they should do to handle it as well, so whether you're in the start up world or in a more established company, there's probably some good advice in there. (via Fred)

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lijit giving me money?

Apart from the fact that it's probably the most used widget on this blog, so it would be staying regardless, Lijit are now giving me money!!

Maybe this makes up for the fact that Leslie was partly responsible in me needing new tires after this weekends visit to the track. Trying to keep up was a lost cause, but I didn't give up trying.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

No Regrets

Lindsay is pulling out all the stops to make sure we don't have another fiasco come the day after voting. Apart from putting the video together below, she's actually been out and about doing what she's suggesting other people do. (and stick around for the end of the video so you can see her super strength in action...)

Friday, October 03, 2008

Driving School Weekend

IMG_1265.JPG, originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.

Probably no posts this weekend as I'm headed back to the BMW Driving School thing in Pueblo. The grin on my face is making typing difficult, and I'll try and get some decent pics again this time.

(and this is Wallace's car, not mine. He signed up to run tomorrow)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Enspiria is Five Years Old Today

When you help start a company with a few friends, no office and no work on contract, it's bound to be a little scary. You have high hopes and dreams, a few panic attacks in the middle of the night, lots of long nights and weekends ahead, and a huge grin on your face (most of the time).

So here we are, 5 years later, with a real company on our hands, real (and hopefully happy) customers, and plenty of war stories from the ride.

The picture above is from way back when (I'm guessing around April 2005) in our first office space, and obviously when Chip still went for the short back and sides approach to getting his hair cut. We've come a long way since then - here's to the next 5 years, and thanks to everyone who's helped make us successful so far.
