Wednesday, March 26, 2008

100 best places to live and launch

Denver is number 7 in the list of 100 places to live and launch a new company. Guess I lucked out when I landed here all those years ago. The one con is allegedly the traffic, but to be honest (and before I get complaints, I know I got a house close to the office to limit my commute time to under 10 minutes), Denver's traffic situation these days isn't too bad. I25 kinda sucks most days, but after sitting on the connector in Atlanta for half an hour, going a mile an hour, Denver is so much better than that place. I guess it's all relative (says the guy who in his first 3 months here ended up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and made the mistake of asking his client when rush hour was, only to be told "right about now" while 3 cars sat at the main traffic light in town).

100 best places to live and launch - 7. Denver (7) - FORTUNE Small Business

Mix Tape Test

Mix Tapes are cool, and now you can build them on the web. I love this web thing - I think it's going to take off.... (and thanks to Fred's Blog I found this)

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Meaghan!

Originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.
Hope you're having a great day Meaghan - we've got a special surprise for you later!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Coolest Cubes

Lifehacker has been running a coolest cubes competition for a little while now - their big summary post is here if you want to check it out (some are actually pretty normal, unlike the one to the left....)

Which reminds me, I really need to tidy up my workspace at some point - the "just moved in" excuse is getting a little old after 3 months.

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An e-card site that actually has fun cards

Finally, an e-card site with cards you might send when it's not someones birthday.

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JB's Bachelor Party/Pub Crawl


You don't realize how you miss a decent pub crawl until 50 of your closest friends all pile down Colfax for a bit of an event. This one happened to be to celebrate the impending wedding of JB/Tartley/Jon/insertanothernamehere. A great turnout was further compounded late in the evening for Dana's engagement gig, resulting in even more people taking over the bars and sending barstaff into a little frenzy.

Luckily for us, the Aussies left their whistles at home (although a certain wife of an Aussie has the capacity to use the natural whistle approach to round up the troops). The bars were the usual eclectic mix of places we wouldn't normally set foot it, and places we wouldn't normally leave until thrown out at closing time. The weather did it's usual Denver in Springtime thing - sunny most of the day, somehow turning into a decent snowfall for the periods we were expected to walk between bars.

Oh, and we had a Nun with us, and it turns out s/he was an expert cowbell player....

Pics are here

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

George's New Car

Originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.
It took a while to get here, but it was worth the wait. I even got to go in it, and it was by far the fastest car I've ever had the pleasure of being in. Looks kinda nice too ;-)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ready for Summer?

Just to get everyone in the mood 8-) Pic came from here

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spellchecker Needed

This went up this week... Glad the taxpayers money is being put to good use, and all their QA checks are in place and working.

9 News Sign Story

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Charges filed against boyfriend of woman stuck on toilet

Definitely the weirdest story I've seen in the news so far....

Charges filed against boyfriend of woman stuck on toilet -

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Epic Journey

You might have met Glenn. We've worked together on and off since I got off the plain 10 years ago, often on the same projects. If you think you might have met him, but can't quite remember, you haven't met him. He's the guy we all used (along with Mr Bland, obviously, and occasionally Mr Penn) to check out how much the new girlfriend could take of our friends, and whether or not they could survive in our social circle. It was a pretty brutal baptism of fire, but all our current wives (oh how we've grown up) passed the test and we're better off for it.

So, anyway, the fact that Glenn managed to convince a female to spend the rest of their life with him is often a mystery to us, especially as Jill is actually one of the coolest people in the world.
And so, a week before she was due to give birth to their 4th child, Glenn attends a conference on the other side of the country. As you can imagine, planes, trains and automobiles ensued after "the call". Full excruciating details are here (and trust me when I tell you it's worth a read).

And congrats to you both! And welcome to the world little Goodrich - just take after your mother and you're going to be just fine ;-)

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Next Trash Can

Or bin, if I'm speaking in real English. Urban Outfitters have the pics/price/details if you want it.


Worst Car "Body" Kit Ever

It's not big, and it's not clever

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Meaghan and Holly Love Macs

Photo 2.jpg
Originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.
Well, I think they love playing with Fynn, so we spent most of the afternoon out in the park chasing Fynn as she desperately tried to escape our clutches. Luckily, my first sprint in about 10 years was fast enough to keep up (just) and dog and adults were safely re-united.

When we got back, we started messing around on the computer - I was showing them videos of when we were back home at Christmas. This turned into an extensive face making exercise on Photo Booth (and this was one of the pics). We even went so far as to print out a few of them, which I think is the first time I've used the printer in about 3 years (but it still worked).

So, thanks for hanging out girls - we both had a blast, and enjoy your early summer! You'll have a blast.

The world's 50 most powerful blogs

Hmm, not sure if I agree with this list (surely everyone knows Engadget is the most powerful blog on the web ;-) but it'll keep you busy for a whole day or two just going through them all.

The world's 50 most powerful blogs | Technology | The Observer

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Get to England for free....

United making a beeline for the U.K. - The Denver Post: "United plans to hold a 'suitcase party' at the British-themed Pints Pub in Denver on March 30 for the nonstop's launch. There, the winner of a contest for the best decorated suitcase will get on the flight to London that day, said United spokeswoman Robin Urbanski."

Carry On script gets green light

I'm not sure why, but Nixta always seemed to be a perfect fit for a Carry On film. Maybe it was just the accent. Anyway, I guess there's some spots up for grabs in the cast if the script has just been given the green light - I just hope it's going to be better than that Carry On Columbus crap they put out a few years ago.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Carry On script gets green light

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mrs Spitzer, Stay at Home

As me and Nick have been having a quick conversation over Lindsay's Tumblr post comments on the subject (I'm a fan of her punching him in the gut midway through the press conference), I thought it was only fair to post the actual video comments as well (and to be honest, the video quality of these posts are pretty darn good, so they spruce up the site a little).

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Five Quid a Gallon for Petrol (Gas) in the UK

So to all the people over here complaining that it's gone over 3 bucks a gallon again, please realize, it could be a lot worse (like 7 dollars worse).

Then again, it might be good for everyone - better public transport, less emissions, smaller cars, less traffic on the highways etc, etc.

PistonHeads Headlines

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Worst Bike Ever

Can't really post the actual pictures, but it's kinda not safe for work.

Transportation: Ride the Bitchcruiser Bike, But Wear Protection (NSFW)

Hold The Hookah; It Might Have Herpes

Nope, not more Spitzer jokes - Hookah Bars up around CSU appear to be the culprit in a spread of cold sores in the Fort Collins area. Just say no, it's the only way to go (or carry your own pipe around with you if you like...)

Hold The Hookah; It Might Have Herpes - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Peter Batty Joins Enspiria


Although we've been mates for the last 10 years, and worked in the same industry, on some of the same dev tools, and with some of the same customers, I've never actually had the pleasure of working at the same company as Mr Batty. Until today that is.

Although he's still going to be President of Spatial Networking (sign up for whereyougonnabe if you can get an invite), we've managed to pry away some of his valuable time to help Enspiria get to the next level.

The press release has gone live and you can view it here.

And for the record, he did actually wear the lime green jacket - no photoshopping on this site! Wonder if it's going to make an appearance in a couple of weeks for JB's shindig?

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Friday, March 07, 2008

When a long time isn't enough


BBC NEWS | England | Tyne | Hammer and knife killer gets life


Thursday, March 06, 2008

iPhone Analysts Missing the Point?

I have a vested interested in Apple stocks shooting up to unbelievable levels, as I own some, and it would help soothe the pain of the last few months performance on the stock market. OK, disclaimer over, even though I didn't need to do one in the first place.

There seems to be a lot of stock analysts who started off the week (or the last 18 months I guess) continually pinging the iPhone as something that will never work for business users. With today's announcement that it's going to support ActiveSynch and Exchange out of the box, it's got one business user here who's likely to move over once he can justify spending money on two different phones in one year (and yes, 3G would help make my decision a lot easier), and I suspect a lot more out there in the so-called business world (but do people really differentiate between their work and other life anymore, especially if they need a business phone that connects them to the office full time?).

Some of the analysts are still now saying that business users won't switch due to the lack of a tactile qwerty keyboard. I'm sure some won't, but I bet it's not everyone. I've tried typing on an iPhone, and it was a lot better than I thought it would be (and I never manage to get a full sentence right on my BlackJack II anyway, so not much difference there).

But, and it's a big but, I think the biggest part of todays news wasn't the business support - the iPhone will get new users in the business world who had been holding out, but there was a whole new market segment that appeared magically today - Gaming (and I mean real games, not Tetris).

If anyone saw a couple of the possibilities in the presentations today, you know it's going to be a pretty perfect platform for mobile gaming. Apart from pretty impressive frame rates (and the gorgeous graphics) to make games look pretty, the API for the motion sensor makes this the new mobile Wii. There are so many possibilities out there for this thing, and if it's as easy to develop on as they say, we just witnessed the next generation of gaming without even realizing.

So, I think Research in Motion has a(nother) viable competitor, but the real company who should be worried is Nintendo - the DS is great, but there's no movies or music. And if you could have a Wii for the road, that fits neatly in your pocket and makes phonecalls, wouldn't that be cooler? The PSP held me captive for a good few years with it's fantastic screen and decent games, but it ain't got no motion sensor.

Isn't gaming one of the big new markets the analysts watch these days? Didn't Microsoft sink a couple of billion into getting the XBOX to be accepted as a kick-ass system (even if the red flashing lights of death always appear at some point)? Didn't Sony help win the HD format war with the PS3? Don't Nokia come out with a crappy N-Gage every couple of years, trying to get us to pretend gaming on a phone would be the next big thing? Well, I think today, gaming on a phone just became the next big thing.

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How To Make Your Own Music Site in 10 Minutes

Tumblr just keeps getting better and better, especially when there's people to help you with new ideas and detailed instructions that all work.

So, you can now listen to the music I've been listening too from a website (apart from right here at

If you want to make your own, follow the link below (and thanks joelaz!)

Aaron In Denver | How To Make Your Own Music Site in 10 Minutes

Thinking of you Aunty Susan

Wedding 034_jpg.jpg
Originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.
I know tomorrow's going to be a rough day, but just letting you know we're thinking of you from over here

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Moblogic Goes Live on Friday

You have been warned....


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Adaptive Blue - SmartLinks

So I actually did a couple of updates to the site template the other day, and then of course ran out of time when it came to letting people know. Nothing major, but I did add SmartLinks from Adapative Blue.

These clever things take your normal links, and add a little box after them to provide you with some extra information (if you want it). As this is the first time I've tried it out, we'll see how it works with a few things below.

Music - I'm currently thinking of going up to Boulder (on a Monday night of all times) to see Kate Nash, coz I love her album.

Movies - We watched Michael Clayton the other weekend, and it kinda rocked. One of the best films we've seen this year.

Books - I started reading The Breakthrough Company last night (and I think set a new personal record for the number of books I've currently got on the go, but that's a whole other post).

Money - I'm hoping the Apple stock goes back up soon.

And finally (and not sure if this one does anything), here's my LinkedIn profile - it looks like they released a new user interface over the weekend, which is all Ajaxie. Which reminds me - I really need to make a bit more effort to put some details on there.

Anyway, see how that works for you - if you hate it, let me know. If you love it, you can tell me that too, but as always, I assume silence is complete apathy.....

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

First US Based GT-R on Video

Right here....

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Graduation Day For Fynn

Originally uploaded by Aaron in Denver.
I have a feeling the training is more for the parents than the dog, but either way Fynn made it successfully through all 8 weeks off puppy training and received her certificate. Next stop is intermediate trainiing, but we're going to wait and start that in a month or two, as March appears to be a bit of a shocking travel month for the Patterson household.

I think Fynn was happy to graduate, but as usual, she put on her furious face for the photo - she doesn't like it when her mother gets her all dressed up for photos

New Scirocco Official Pics

I've posted about this car before, that seems to have been in the works since 1989. It looks like it's finally got it's production clothes on, but still doesn't appear to be making it's way across the pond. Haven't read the release date plans yet, but I'm hoping they change their mind and make it available over here.

If you jump through, you'll get to see the most hideous leather seats ever...

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Be Green in Winter

Great idea (which I'm kinda tempted to purchase) - it wasn't quite what I thought of for filling the extra space in the garage if I ever get another space (reserved in my head for an Exige, a Caterham, or my daily driver if I can afford a GT3).

Details and a vid over at Treehugger if you're interested.

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Inflatable Buildings

Now here's a great idea from a UK company - just make sure that you don't lay it over any sharp objects...

Details via DVICE are here

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Finally Kia Makes a Car Thats Cool

Well, it looks cool anyway.

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