Real GIS becoming real and usable
It looks like the combination Google Maps and the BBC giving free reign for the world to mess about with it's data gives us up to date travel data on the web.
Google Maps Testbed
Random ramblings about not necessarily anything in particular, and not much more....
It looks like the combination Google Maps and the BBC giving free reign for the world to mess about with it's data gives us up to date travel data on the web.
Not only has he stolen the looks of Mr Stone, he's a pretty funny guy as well (not that you're not Neil).
Lets start the next big rumor - Dell computers were responsible for the story below? I doubt it, but my conspiracy theories are in full flight today....
Although interesting in itself that this sort of thing has finally come out into the general media (rather that the usual "keep it covered up so no-one gets scared" approach to network infiltration that usually prevails), it's the other "major international companies" who may be implicated in this that interests me. I wonder if we'll ever find out if one of the big multi-nationals was involved, and if any of the software, or something like it, has been deployed in the UK or US. I'm sure a few system administrators are having a busy day today.
Once you start doing project management, you forget what you had to deal with as a developer. The deadlines, the millions of lines of code which infect your every breath and of course, the users. This brought back so many memories, and specifically my first techie job on a helpdesk, where a senior executives secretary had backed up her files every night by photocopying (both sides, just to be sure) the floppy disk that all her word docs was on, and the call from a distraight user who's coffee holder had snapped off (the CD drive...).
At last, it finally arrives. One of the few films that come out in the UK before America, so I was lucky enough to pick up the DVD when we were back getting married. Looks like it's getting good reviews here, and I would absolutely and thoroughly recommend you head out and see this (or you can ask to borrow the DVD when I get it back from Neil)
Holiday weekends are great - you wake up on Saturday morning, and realize you can waste the whole day away, and still have a full weekend. I didn't do that, but still, it's nice to think it.
Will I ever make it on here???? I'm waiting with baited breath (but still breathing...)
So Wallace went downtown yesterday (sort of), the Thompsons move a mile or two at the weekend, and perhaps the strangest of them all, it appears that Riaan will be moving without actually moving. More explanation here
It must be - the news stories are getting stranger......
But almost as strange. After a campaign of violence and terror, including chainsawing down a CCTV camera, and threatening passers bye with an axe, the courts decided to deal with him by monitoring his dresscode. Next month, courts rule murder is ok as long as you don't wear loafers and burberry.
Another nail in the coffin for Mitsubishi? I certainly hope not, as who would be left to keep pushing Subaru to build better and faster STi's? The Evo is great (although I pulled my name off the waiting list after the US announcement of the STi release), and I hope it keeps getting better - the STi only came to America because Evo did it first.
I realize that corporate America has valid reasons for shutting this sort of stuff down to protect copyright infringements (not that I'm sure I agree 100%), but what puzzled me more was what exactly this has to do with Homeland Security? Did they fear distribution of the new Star Wars movie might incite a revolution?
"Although Bill Gates was quoted in Time magazine saying that he’d launch Halo 3 for the Xbox 360 on the day Sony ships the PS3, Ballmer said that Halo 3 will ship when it’s ready, regardless of PS3’s launch schedule. He conceded, however, that if Halo 3 is ready when Sony rolls out the PS3, he might find the coincidence enjoyable."
After checking that it wasn't April 1st, we've resorted in the office to questioning the reporting integrity of the BBC (what?!?).
So we went to Crate and Barrel this afternoon, to finish picking up the things we wanted from the wedding list. We jsut gave them a list, came back a couple of hours later, and everything was packed up ready for us to take away. Obviously we had to hand over payment, but it was pretty smooth. Shame we were 3 items short when we got home - another trip back is in order, especially as we paid for everything. And why do they insist on putting stickers on the bottom of all their cups that are impossible to get off easily?
Another gorgeous weekend in Denver, and I actually managed to make it outside this time! Hit the mini golf with Meaghan and Holly (and their Mam and Dad) yesterday - a promising start by me (hole in one on hole one) was quickly bettered by everyone else. Still, I think my shot in the water made the biggest splash!
Since I moved to the US, I've often been accused of actively avoiding any exercise whatsoever. However, this is more directly related to me screwing up my back playing footie after I got here, than just shear laziness (most of the time anyway). So the physio, chiropractor and doctor all recommended doing Pilates to help strengthen my "power box" (which sounds a little feminine and rude, but I'm comfortable than I'm male and straight, so I'll use their language). This is all well and good, but what they didn't tell me at the time was that this could well be the most difficult type of exercise in the world. No matter how fit you think you are, this stuff finds muscles that you never thought you had, and then insists on reminding you of those muscles for days afterwards. I haven't even tried the intermediate section of the DVD yet, content that if it gets any worse, I may never walk again (or at least for the hour or so after I finish). The first time I did the beginners section I literally had to crawl up the stairs once I was finished. But, and here's the real kicker, it actually works - the back doesn't hurt everyday once everything calms down, I sort of stand up straighter, feel fitter, and can even hit the real gym in relative comfort. So every day, I have to deal with the choice - pain today doing the exercise, or more pain later by not doing anything - Pilates won last night for the first ime in way too long, so if I'm walking a little funny, you know why. But at least it's a straighter funny....
Looks like I get weekend number 2 in a row off work - this is getting scary - I just hope I don't get too used to it before the big project starts.
Now that I've found out Tom Peters and his team actually post all of their presentations so you can download them for free, I can get my daily/weekly fix for ridiculously bright presentations here. From there comes my favo(u)rite quote of the week - given what we want through with the whole CVG/SLB "thing" it made me laugh out loud
I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, "How do I build a small firm for myself?" The answer seems obvious: "Buy a very large one and just wait."
Apart from the fact that Gizmodo feeds my fix for gadget obsession on a daily basis, they also manage to do it with a certain amount of humour. Note in point, the latest Apple
Looks like the big boys might have found a way to reduce the cost of options in their P&L, which in itself is cool. However, what will these mean for stock prices - will they rebound back up, after the hit they took when they changed the accounting rules the first time? Or will it make no difference whatsoever?
And here I was thinking that everything would calm down after the wedding.....
Went to Tampa for a day at the weekend (well, technically 2 or 3, depending on point of view) but only one real day for play, and it was great. Tatiana turned 8, so we showed up to surprise her at her bowling alley party, and it was a great success. (Hi Tati if you're reading this!!!). Tampa seemed like a nice place, although I did get attacked by mosquitos during my one and only attempt at exercise for the year (lame English attempt at baseball getting thoroughly beaten by young kids), and all the roads have 6 names.
So, couple of updates, mainly to the main site -
Never been a huge fan of Microsoft (especially having spent the last weekend screaming and shouting at Word and Project while trying to make deadlines), but the new Version 7 of Messenger is pretty cool. Lots of new stuff, the graphics look like they're real 3D, and my brother nearly got me arrested with the new winks he sent me through ;-)
In my never ending search for more information (coz I have so much spare time...) I somehow got on a trail of blogs on VC funding, technology startups, and other business related topics (I know, sad, but the new company thing is a big part of my life these days). Some stuff was interesting, some not, some funny (like the US vs English post I added below), and some just a little on the scary side. The one below was on the scary side, but it gave me hope that maybe I wasn't the worst presenter in the world after all.