Microsoft lowered Vista requirements to help Intel sell incompatible chipsets
And we're all surprised, right?
Microsoft lowered Vista requirements to help Intel sell incompatible chipsets - Engadget
Random ramblings about not necessarily anything in particular, and not much more....
And we're all surprised, right?
When he's not flying down the side of a mountain on his board, Mr Younger sneaks out to take photos. He never did share any, until last night, when he sent out a link to some of his pictures. It was worth the wait.
Han Solo Desk - just pretend you're Jabba the Hut all day long (where is Princess Leia in the gold bikini and neck chain - now there's the perfect office accessory)
Not that we didn't already, but to be detained under the mental health act isn't your usual run of the mill get wasted and fall over incident. I just hope Britney takes heed, and stays away from Newcastle
Or, in simple terms, get the DRM out of your iTunes purchased music, and share everything with all your friends.
Please, please, please, please (with a cherry on top)
I've been waiting for the official announcement of this little pocket rocket for a long time, and now it's finally here!
So I started messing around with this Tumblr thing a while ago coz I've been following Fred's blog for ages, and he mentioned it. Then Lindsay got into it, and Nick got hyperactive.
I still haven't worked out how to use it all yet (can't get my bloody Twitter feed to work for one), although Nick solved my comments issue (but I've held off). One thing I kinda thought was that they were a bit plain - sort of the point I guess - keep everything simple and stuff, and then, through Fred mentioning he was in a song circle thing with Lindsay and a few others, the few others included Rach's site. This actually made me say wow out loud. I'm going to play now - I've been inspired to make my tumblr look prettier.
Labels: web
Hmm, pretty long for a spy video, but it appears (as if proof was needed) that Porsche has real difficulty in designing a car that isn't two door that actually looks good....
Could this be the answer to the Hot Tub addicted Mr Penn's problems? Throw it in the back of the car, and where ever you are (and provided you can find some water, and I presume electricity) you can blow up your very own hot tub.
Labels: home
Apparently I have a never ending list of stuff to post on here, and despite the frantic typing of the last hour, there's no way I'd get through it all. So, here's a list of links to keep you entertained, if you so wish. This message comes with no warranty, implied or otherwise, so you're out of luck if the clicks are of the non-satisfying variety....
Labels: random
Who wouldn't want to lie in a bath of money, especially when the cost wasn't as bad as the real thing?
Labels: bath
The less I say about this the better, but it did make it onto Richard and Judy's show, so it has to be lijit.
From the inventors of things you never knew you really needed comes the Cube Microwave. If you need your Hot Pockets where ever you travel, this thing is for you (but you still need to plug it in...
Or playing hookie, or truant, or whatever it's called these days, but I took a day off work for purely selfish reasons, to take advantage of the pounding that the mountains have had, and try out the new board.
It even almost got named after our company (close enough if you've been drinking all day anyway). Lots of text details here, but just the briefest preview in video. It'll make you want one (maybe)
Sometimes phone carriers in the US just don't get what people really need (or they do, but they want some extra cash so ignore people) - a phone that works is obviously the number one thing, and then for me personally, I want to be able to have a couple of different phones for different things. Completely lost without email access on the road, I couldn't give up the full keyboard BlackJack II I now carry around, but when it comes to the weekend, and going out on the lash, I really would just like a little phone that slips inconspicuously in my pocket. I used to have a setup like that, with a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone for the weekends, but that gave up the ghost when I was back in England for Christmas.
Labels: gadgets, phone, technology
Labels: cars, enspiria, heidi, random, snowboarding
I could list the usual excuses, but I'll leave that for another time. At least it's not me on the road this week(unless you call a day trip up to Fort Collins to grill some Uni students as to why they want a real job as being on the road), so I'm thankful for some things.